On November 2, 2012, members of a group of three hundred (300) volunteers from the Washington DC area came to President Obama's Norfolk headquarters to join local volunteers and paid OFA staff to knock on doors and leave door hangers. The door hangers include the location of the polling place, acceptable identification needed to vote, and the time that the polls are open in VA. Our president needs Americans who believe in his vision of equality, justice, and equal opportunity for ALL Americans to VOTE and HELP him by volunteering the last FOUR days of this election campaign. If you live in or near VA or any swing state (OH, FL, CO, NV) please answer the urgent call for action by President Obama to get out the vote (GOTV).
President Obama is providing outstanding leadership as he response to the 109 deaths and destruction caused in America by Hurricane Sandy. In order to save this nation and the world from the unimaginable horrors of a MITT ROMNEY presidency (i.e. the elimination of FEMA) President Obama needs your help. We must continue to move FORWARD! We can’t go BACKWARDS and/or let KARL ROVE, who was George W. Bush’s brain install another unqualified puppet (Romney) as this nation’s commander-in-chief or the leader of the free world. We can and will move forward if you take action by volunteering and voting for President Obama.
Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer