Tuesday, October 16, 2012

General Clark, Congressmen Clyburn and Scott Supporting President Obama at his Norfolk Headquarters

On October 14, 2012, I had the pleasure of witnessing a press conference by General Wesley Clark, Congressman James Clyburn (SC) and Congressman Bobby Scott (VA) at President Obama re-election headquarters in Norfolk, VA.
I was able to attend the press conference and shake the hand of General Clark and take a picture with Congressman Clyburn because I answered President Obama’s campaign call for volunteers. President Obama organization OFA (Organization for America) is current requesting volunteers to report to swing states to help him win the 2012 Presidential Election. I volunteered because I believe that for better (President Obama’s re-election) or worse (a Romney/Ryan/Rove/Koch Brothers’ Presidency) the result of the November 6, 2012, presidential election will forever CHANGE America. If you believe in equality (equal educational, housing, and employment opportunities), justice, and liberty for all Americans please answer President Obama’s call to help him win by applying to his Vote Corps program. Vera Richardson Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Romney Can Americans Especially Hispanic Americans Trust You?

Many African-Americans including Hazel whose VOICE is heard in this video realized that they had to actively respond to voter suppression efforts that occurred after President Obama won in 2008. Republican governors and legislatures around the country reacted to President Obama’s historic win by passing new voter ID laws to make it more difficult for the poor and minorities to vote. Hazel is a grandmother who lives in NJ. She told me that she drives her car with friends or family that is available to SWING states to register voters. Since 2007 Hazel has uses her own money for travel expenses because she believed that getting the Black vote out in 2008 was very important. Today she believes that getting the Black voters registered and to the polls on November 6, 2012, is even more IMPORTANT than it was in 2008. All Americans regardless of race, religion, color, creed, or sexual orientation should exercise their right to vote on November 6, 2012. If you are an eligible voter you can register online today. Vera Richardson