Monday, January 16, 2012

I Honor Martin Luther King by being a Drum Major for Justice

On January 16, 2012, President Obama spoke briefly about ways to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on King’s national holiday. President Obama said in part: “All of us can be a drum major for service; all of us can be a drum major for justice. There is nobody who can’t serve or help somebody else. You can find opportunities to make an enormous difference in your communities. This is my video response to President Obama’s remarks.

I am a drum major for justice because I believe that my entire life and employment discrimination experience detailed in my timely book demands that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 be amended again. The act needs to be amended to prevent one federal judge from have the absolute authority to dismiss employment discrimination cases based on summary judgment motions.

Dr. King’s tireless efforts to achieve equality and justice for all Americans made it possible for this nation to elect President Barack Obama as its FIRST African-American president. What are you going to do today and/or doing to honor the memory and legacy of Dr. King?

Vera Richardson
Preview my book “Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer”